Jul 27, 2011

a pair of husband and wife

There are a pair of husband and wife, just get married soon, also don't want children, but don't know how to birth control, to the doctor for help. The doctor gave them a condom. Husband and wife happy home.
A few months later, his wife is pregnant. Her husband is very angry to find the doctor make a meal. The doctor was very puzzled, ask: "how do you use?" He said: "I eat a meal for my wife two!!!!!

Jul 26, 2011

my twelve-years-wife

Chen is a lewd of actor, he can in order to a woman, completely will stage a sick career. Director to xin know he heavy female habit of wanderlust, so he entered the romantic place ban. One day a sudden cordially to director Chen to xin swear, never to touch, to xin happy also likes to play the leading role of the next he arranged, let his performance.

The second day Chen and catch a beauty, but his luck was bad, just out of the hotel is met to xin.

"Early ah!!!!!!!!!!" director Chen said: "my time introduce you. This is my wife."

"Your wife!" To xin roar: "you this sexual! She is my loving twelve years my wife."

Jul 25, 2011

the inciden of borrowing books from a beauty

An old man to books from the library, happened to him to borrow books a girl is borrowed.

To catch up with the old man, way: "excuse me, can I borrow this book to see it, I have urgent need, leave your phone, I finished watching send it to you!"

The girl said, "please, the old man! You this one is quite out of date, also want to my phone! Hum!!!!!"

The girl say that finish twist, the old man went but bewildered...

Jul 24, 2011

A silent fart influence

Rapid bus home, air conditioning by a car of very high, and smooth and quick, so very comfortable with the car, GongNanLuNv pour out in the seat. Dazed, everyone was a "super diabolical stuffy smelly fart smoked awake; Everyone at first, and it soon became desperately tight frown cover your nose and mouth, when smelly fart concentration more and more high, everyone started uproar, and bad to ruthlessly looked at each other for! Someone tried to open the window to air, desperate to find entirely futile, as the window is closed...... Everyone in the challenge of tolerance limit, finally some students couldn't contain, yell: "stop! I'm going down!" The driver said: "can't stop!" the highway, The students shout again: "beg you, I really can't hold!" The driver still ignore. Finally, the students shout at top of voice: "that YuanBuDe accidentally, and I'm going to a loud!"

Jul 23, 2011

is that only could be do tonight

A new couple held in a church wedding ceremony, to swap ring, nervous excessive groom forgot to it.

The preacher was anxious lifting a finger to set the action of the ring, and blink eyes suggests that the groom.

See the groom bilge red face, stammer ground to say: "the priest, that is not the night of bridal chamber tonight to do?"

Jul 20, 2011

some Funny pictures

Touch wrong chest

A woman took the BABY to a obstetrics and gynecology

The doctor asked the woman said: is BABY milk or milk?

Woman: milk!

Doctor: that take off your clothes, please

Woman: ah! ?Why?

Doctor: you need not nervous, this is for you, never obstetrics and gynecology, any infringement

The woman reluctantly took off, the doctor with his hand in her chest up and touch, touch, left the rub, rubbing his right.

To this woman said: no wonder BABY will malnutrition, you have no breast milk!

Woman: bullshit!!!!! I of course not breast milk; I was his aunt!!!!!

Jul 18, 2011

The world's most in distress situation "misunderstanding"--laugh

I watch the younger brother (his name is liangliang who is  a first-grade) homework, found that the "people" made with the sentence is very shocking :liangliang isn't a person.

 In December 2009, a British pet snake reared his tail as a meal swallowed, results, have the head and tail tightly together. The pet snake, called "reggie" in biting its tail, it immediately after a big mistake, realize, however, loosen the teeth after, tail still cannot from shekou, at that time disoriented. Fortunately, master there in time to see the scene, this case, immediately grabbed it to find the vet.

Jul 16, 2011

Funny elephants

Didn't think looks like stupid elephants, also has unexpectedly funny side. It is said that, the elephant's IQ close to human, learning ability is very strong, can do many things, the odd funny behavior is also emerge in endlessly, the animal kingdom is the funny masters, not letter to come together to see these guys "smart" have to encounter funny behavior.

Jul 15, 2011


Also or excited and people on the scene, also or share joy and affection deep partner, a WenZu to express everything, celebrity bigwigs in some special occasion wrote identified a kiss, embracing appearance condition, here to look at their most shocking the joke kiss...

His wife's blame

A couple had been married for forty years old couples in the conversation.

The wife say: "you don't complain to me before, you always before next to me sit down."

The husband answer: "this is good to do." And then move to sitting in her side.

"But the past you always tight hug me."

"So?"His arm around his wife's neck.

"Do you remember how I kiss before the neck, bite my ears?"

He jumped out of the door, and busy.

His wife asked, "where are you going?"

The husband answer: "I have to take my false teeth."