Jan 6, 2012

The Titan Angle guard Jones's appeal hearing will take place soon

Tennessee titans team Angle guard food Mr Bean Adam Jones (Adam Jones) will be on May 11, with the NFL commissioner Roger hearing-ancient del (Roger Goodell) meet in person. Jones will be in the hearing of the season by a five-match ban appeal. NFL spokesman Greg-YiLuo (Greg Aiello said the hearing wholesale NFL jerseys MLB jerseys will be held in New York, but the site is still unknown. This will be on April 3, Jones and the ancient del since the second encounter.

The ancient del on the day of the hearing a week after the end of the 2007 season Jones decided to cancel the qualification, but allow Jones case in 10 games of Titan team after the retrial. The ancient del and Cincinnati Bengal tiger team to the catcher Chris Henry (Chris Henry) made a discount nfl jerseys suspension of the punishment of the eight games. Jones appeal last weekend after says it has been punished is too harsh. Since Jones through April 2005 on the draft since joining the Titan team, has been in a different case 10 for police interrogation, and was arrested five times.

In the Jones case involving the last, he in the NBA all-star weekend patriot Jerseys supply shop involved in a Las Vegas strip club fight and shooting, this incident led to a man paralyzed. Then by the local police Jones charges, but prosecutors asked the continue to investigate this case. Jones is the most outstanding team 2006 season Titan of defenders, not only finished four interception and three touchdowns and averaging abandon play back to attack performance on NFL ranking first. The Titan team said Jones must standardize the behavior outside, and expressed the hope that he stay on.

The team of the first round draft pick last weekend quota the Texas state big school's security Michael Griffin (Michael Griffin), and let the horn on Friday to guard training Jerseys supply.

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