Apr 25, 2012

Jet midfielder 28 for 10 children get along the former girlfriend

A few days ago, the NFL New York jet fleet of Antonio-g's Rome has just had 28 years old birthday. Before this, he may only be labeled as "defensive specialist" such a tags; giants nike nfl jerseys And these days, he has a new label: 10 children's dad.

Raising children without pressure

G Rome with his wife's recently gave birth to their second child it is he and across the United States in eight female life of children under 10, g's Rome and his children have can form a rugby team.

G's and his wife terry card Rome to their newborn son named for jie case, both of them before she gave birth to a daughter and named Jesse. Jessie and jie case also in various parts of the United States have another eight his daughter brothers and sisters.

At present, g's Rome with terry card in New Jersey have four children in the family respectively is Jessie, jie case, terry card that children born with her ex-husband, g's first son Roman T.J, g's Rome first son is he and other female life. To fend for so many children, the pressure must be great? G's Rome and said, your current no pressure. Last fall, he and jet fleet signed a four-year, $32 million contract, and if he is sensible financial management, the money to keep 10 wholesale jerseys children not much of a problem.

However, g's not a Roman savings, last march, the jet fleet to give him $500000 in advance, as he gave birth to the child's six women of the child. It is reported, grams every month should pay Roman's support of not less than 3500 dollars.

The former girlfriend to get along well

3500 dollars a month for once, she gave birth to the child's six former girlfriend seems not good enough, so they hope by recording the program to make some money, but in the program, they have to do is to introduce their large number of children. Have a television production units were MLB jerseys wholesale interested in it, but g's but strongly against Rome, and warned the media cannot his children to any interviews and shooting.

If in the feudal society, maybe g's because of the will "together the person's blessing" make full face, because from California, Texas, Florida, Georgia, north Carolina and New Jersey has a few women together, and also what together huan, and together with the planning how to on a TV show LiBiao shown himself the most beautiful side.

The six women identity complex, they how to be mine remained a mystery, were among the six beauty Knicks 17 lin jersey supply queen patterson, hotel waiter Ross and has now been unemployed Pierre.

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