Jun 2, 2012

Take off the north Korea the eyes of the concentration camps

Schengen benevolence (above) was born in north Korea 14 labor camps, his arm because of high strength of labor and childhood bending, the waist and hips with scars; His ankle bone for wearing shackles and deformation, the middle finger on his right hand didn't; He was 4 years old witness the pebbles tucked into the mouth of death, give them to wear wigs and then shot; His tibia in Devils #17 Ilya Kovalchuk stitched jerseysthrough the barbed wire was burn the, but have failed to stop his escape from 14 concentration camps. > > > > > escape from 14 labor camps

The Wall Street journal reported June 2 for north Korea to take off the north to provide testimony and satellite image data recent study, north Korean prison camp system become more cruel, and much harder to cloak.

U.S. and south Korean researchers recently released two reports to the people described north
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North Korea is a closed camps and secret prison system, and north Korea is the world's most block one of the countries of the secret. The two reports and official and non-governmental agencies estimate digital display, north Korea has more than 200000 people were sentenced to hard in the concentration camps under the conditions of the life and the work, a lot of people in there until death.

There are signs that, close in north Korea's concentration camps in May increase. Last December, namely north Korean leader Kim Jong Il (Kim Jong Il) died soon after, his son and successor JinZhengEn (Kim Jong Eun) then ordered, those who illegally left north Korea if people get caught, they not only to jail, their relatives
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The two report is based on north Korea to take off the north of the writing of the testimony. Take off the north of the team is growing, including for the north koreans had prisoners. People can't get confirmed testimony basically, a lot of the name also take off the north not mentioned, in some cases it is worried about north Korea are likely reprisals.

However, take off the north to north Korea's six manage description is still the same. Often sent management without trial, their crimes including dirty north Korean leader portrait, attending church worship or do STH without authorization to leave the country, etc. Almost all management are located in remote mountain, some management area even more than us and European countries
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There, hunger and fear is the norm. If anyone does not obey the rules and to keep order, may be about to suffer torture, even face death. Most prisoners do the heavy manual labor. Women were the sexual abuse case.

According to a has been shut in "18 concentration camps" of a memory, she saw a clear of starvation and crazy a beaten his daughter to death, and then the body into the kettle boiled. The only gives the alias of who said, last saw the woman, the latter is being taken of the concentration camps. She said, is that 2008 years of things, and then she fled to South Korea.

Her story was collected in South Korea's National Human Rights Commission (National Human Rights top released a report this month. The report is based on a 800 to take off the north are written testimony, these off the north including dozens of in the past year fled to South Korea. In addition, the report also collected from north Korea's small prison and "the detention center" prisoners from statement, stated in terrorist degree and concentration camp is the same as.

A were held in Pyongyang small prison near mount steamer detention centre (Jeungsan Re-education Facility) women on South Korea's national human rights commission said, thousands of prisoners were buried in a hillside cemetery. She said, she had repeatedly involved in bury the prisoner, because very shallow grave, hit the top feel soft.

North Korea's Human Rights commission in Washington (Committee for Human Rights in North Korea) last month released this "Hidden The Gulag" (The Hidden Gulag) first, this is The same in 2003 a book of updated edition. The new labor camps before north Korea the depth of the accounts expanded to 60 papers, doubled.

In the pages of the increase, ZhengGuangRi (sound, Jung Gwang-il) said, he in the 15 th in labor camps for three years, during which the seen and prisoners died, one of them is torture and death, two other people were public execution, the remaining died from malnutrition. 2003 years after his release from prison, ZhengGuangRi fled to South Korea.

The north Korean government authorities say that for many years has been denied the existence of the labor camps. The official media won't be mentioned labor camps. Earlier this week, according to the U.S. state department to north Korea's human rights situation criticism, north Korea's state news agency to be a fierce fight back. North Korea said, Washington is based on a few traitors and the criminal manufacturing of rumor, these people are in order to escape rumors in after north Korea for living expenses.

However, science and technology means that these huge labor camps is nowhere to hide. The new report released a satellite image of the author used support to the testimony of the witness. Now any can access the Internet should be able to see the satellite images. All over the world of human rights activists and amateur detective with north Korea to take off the north has cooperation, to assist the proof that these labor camps and the buildings, farmland and mine is really exist.

Report to occasionally occur humanitarian and kind of behavior accounts,
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The United Nations, the Red Cross and other organizations have urged Pyongyang provide information about labor camps, and ask the on-the-spot investigation labor camps, but were not successful.

South Korean people more and more outspoken in recent months to protest China's forcibly take off the practice
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