Oct 15, 2011

NFL most beautiful Cinderella myth

First for rivers and Tomlinson's leave a moment of silence. Now we have a question: if, though so far is only if, a jet to this year's super bowl, this is the largest ever Cinderella myth. Obviously, this is beyond dispute. In super bowl history, only four teams under 10 games in the regular season (including 10 win) record, eventually win the super bowl. discount nfl jerseys  But there are two dark horse is debatable, a is 1968 years of green bay BaoZhuangGong, they finally with nine victories, four negative 1 flat over the regular season. But at that time is the great 60 s BaoZhuangGong rumba starr portfolio at the end of the first, thin death than the camels Martha, and when the regular season? NFL total 14 games, the BaoZhuangGong nine victories, can still in the national league top central, not a bad. Also, the 89 San Francisco 49 people also is so, this is the 80 s great 49 people second from bottom dynasty won the super bowl, also be tower, and Steve young our next generation of the regular season, a little nap, also make sensible, as long as anything more than the playoffs in, play a game, a less two home games also didn't what rare. But the other two are really be called myth, here might as well and introduce. On 21 September 1982, 57 days for the NFL player strike wave began, it also makes 16 games left in the regular season finally had to shorten the schedule for nine games. Because of the regular season games, to tell you the truth for only 9 are not fair, maybe some clubs before into a state, the regular season is over. So the NFL also only once in the playoffs each of the two league have eight teams, do not set a wild from the first round, the sequence is high and low seed with one another to fight. That year the Washington red one final kill all the way to the super bowl, beat the Miami dolphins, the team took the first cup history first rumba. 8 victories finally become the reds won the super bowl in the regular season games all the team at least, but look at the front, as you know, shrink season eight wins and take, it means that they actually lost only one game, actually winning percentage is surprisingly high! But it still can't change the nature of the dark horse them. Why do so, and said, because they represent the super bowl history the most incredible a title process. When all the boss finally and compromise, red one player boss jack Kent cooke obviously the most violent, his hands a flick: I won't, you don't think your negotiation not enough money? Then don't big, I own way. So from the union and junior league, even bring a group of players are street, red one season begins journey. The results, the champions to hand. Also don't not letter, in 2000,cheap NFL  jerseys when The Levi's film starring bench (The Replacements) say is this. In the film almost frankly, direct say: this is a team from Washington team even understand the blind man said is who? One of the most classic bridge are as follows: the boss: before played football? Player: no, just as the third league as goalkeeper. Boss: that also into, anyway can open ball, directly to the bigfoot play it. When hand The results, this elder brothers scored a 65 yards of ball while the actual not that exaggerated lens. But that year, the red one is also really have such legend. Another people familiar with the regular season, in 2007, the New York giants finally 10 win 6 negative, the wild-card playoff identity into war. And then, they became the first history a never had any a playoff team won the game at the super bowl, but to tell the truth, that year the giant is not now jet so young, they in fact in the regular season, improve 1 wheel lock playoff contention. In addition to start after two defeats, they actually later results are not bad. Really let a person feel the giant black horse flavour is dye-in-the-wood, or are they a playoff run. Semi-final with cowboys, the final quarter began to stage win of matrix, and than 17 reversed, 21 last 16 seconds, cowboy have killed to 23 yards, MaiKeKui finish line has to lot of passing the ball, the broken end the fight. In the final against BaoZhuangGong, cold green bay, Thai, clearly some discomfort, grace last 4 seconds of 36 yards wide of the play, the two sides overtime. But the best back to life plays have been planning: method of passing through the ephod, giant counter-offensive and, and, and, and, and this time the distance, grace's more difficult 47 yards, but he overnight!!!!! Super bowl of Iraq's peyton manning-in the final 2 minutes the magic of the performance, here has not much maybe not a: that year the regular season two straight start, the giant lose opponent, first the cowboy, is BaoZhuangGong after world war I, finally, they watched Cheap NFL Jerseys at home patriot finish 16 wins 0 negative ever to the regular season. So be sure to think a way to let oneself to finally only then grinning oh!!!!!

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