Feb 24, 2012

LinShuHao miserable show there is a bright spot with six error after he's half in change

Error, error, and the constant error, crazy mistake! This is the first half of the LinShuHao game a portraiture. Beijing time on February 24, the knicks away to a 88-102 defeat by the strength of the super heat, LinShuHao how much some weak performance, a vote in November 1 get just eight points and rebounds three assists, football nfl jersey supply also appeared eight turnovers.
Don't know is yesterday and the eagle, 1 in dandong too hard, or the heat's defense, is really fierce, in short LinShuHao in the first half of the play is severely restricted. Except where redd but passive error after outside, still have a few times LinShuHao puzzling active mistakes have to mention. The first section just shortly after his war he dribbled were chalmers steals, the latter easy dunks grab. And by the time he and in section 1 on 1 was under the condition of the cole steals, the latter also easy dunks fast way. The brothers said the long-cherished wish was done before the game, in LinShuHao body vent shot-blocking "pleasure".

The first half of the LinShuHao data quite sad, shooting 1, mistakes as many as six times, completely is a pair of be make meng's appearance. And the local broadcast agencies also Miami turn the camera on the LinShuHao callaghan, its meaning is self-evident.
But in the second half, however, it clearly changed, Knicks 17 lin jerseys although he is still a feel of what iron. But he is in control error a substantial improvement, the whole of the second half his mistakes in only two, including one game is over before or after he steals attempt to launch a rush, anxiously caused by two dribbling. Obviously, as the typical representative of mind send players, in the first half LinShuHao came to rival SAP stoutly after adjustment, and in the second half they will better.

A lens speaks for itself, and the second half LinShuHao absolutely no longer control the ball, but will share the ball to Anthony part, this makes the heat even want to double also appears not start, at the same time LinShuHao still on the offensive end of the changed their style of play, especially in the third quarter in a row made breakthrough chalmers, dwyane wade and lebron foul. Show the first half the state of better, nfl wholesale jerseys just today, meant to be a YuLinShu house of the game.

Lin whirlwind overblown down temporarily, but for him, temporary trial may be better for future outbreaks. One to know how to adjust players don't may have been a field, and LinShuHao is the type of player.

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