Mar 20, 2012

Super bowl winning score prediction activities by Chinese fans now predict emperor

In order to make the fans better super bowl games in interactive, NFL football nfl jersey supply China carried out before the micro bo "cool cool language evaluation score prediction +" activities. Now the super bowl is off the beaten track, and eventually to copy the New York giants he four years ago success lay again patriot, many fans of the prediction it with the actual a close, sohu micro bo users "my micro bo aaah, aaah" more with the results perfectly.

Sohu micro bo activities winning specific list is announced as follows:

The first prize:

My micro bo aaah, aaah: although we all are the patriots, but we also want to be action giant. Bullish on the giant title. The giant 21:17 patriot.

The second prize:

MeiJiang somebody else: the patriots 21:23 New York giants. Tomorrow morning, the final reminds me of 4 years ago battle, in that year despite the patriots but surprise defeat to the giants, lost the last of the super bowl, that year's record also to an abrupt end. Tomorrow will be the history repeat itself or revenge of the patriot success, let's wait and see. In fact, the result is not important, the important thing is looking forward to two teams can bring us a great war of the peak, such a running battle has let all before the fans feel blood boiling. For two team come on, cheer together, at the same time also is expected to have more friends to pay attention to NFL! Right, her elder sister will tomorrow morning blast 46 th super bowl, absolutely cannot miss!!!!!!

This is stem what: giants and patriots contest, the giant in the competition's performance more stable some. The giants win giant when the nfl jerseys wholesale patriots.

Zheg: giant win no problem. The giant to force. The dowry giant patriot.

Open collar la: I think the giants defense better than the patriots. And in big games are often determines the defense. The giant will win. The giant became the patriots.

Opening is not necessarily: bullish on the giant's shield more solid than some, but not enough of the patriots spear. The giant yet patriot.

The third prize:

W911028_NEW: # NFL super bowl # 12 New England patriots; And New York giants stationed wins

NBAorCBA: the giant with a gigantic power! Of array... Of array... Or of array... The giant therefore patriot 】

Tianyu2047: then the giants patriot

Yu741211: giant strikes the patriots, who want to win all difficult!

Yini262003: giant in repeated the story of four years ago. Behold, the giant patriot.

Mo MoXie emperor oM: giants and patriots, the giant victory

She fines 2012: giant therefore wins

ZuoRui: giant thou wins, oh!

To win the first prize users will get NFL China offers 08-petre manning genuine jersey a, the second prize will receive a NFLT shirts, the third prize will get a mini football. Please above the user with NFL sohu as soon as possible to contact the official micro bo.

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