Dec 25, 2011

09 season strength prediction: steel's hot cardinals only eighth

After the super bowl, the American sports News website (Sporting News. Com) predict NFL team next season list of the vote was going on, won the super bowl champions Pittsburgh GangRen team not surprisingly ranked first, super bowl in the nfl jersey supply Arizona cardinals defeat on ranks only the eighth. 1. GangRen Pittsburgh this-ROM, liss's are in a golden age of football players, GangRen on defense each parts are insurance, GangRen need to do is rebuild the weak offensive line, at the same time, once the relentless attack run back. 2. Tennessee titans they need to do our best to ensure that cut feng Albert-friendly wo also in the battle, and also for old four quarterback kerry Collins-find catch partner, maybe his former teammates armani's giant-figure, in addition, Jeff fisher hands and a group of young breaks out, Chris Johnson will do better. 3.

Indianapolis pony although coach replaced Jim-KaDeWeiEr, but the style of a team not for a while because Tony-DengJi left and change, for players, DengJi retirement may give such a signal: no one team than quarterback peyton west-more familiar with the game petre manning. 4. The New England patriots Tom brady-no matter whether is back or matt-Sam cassell continue to bear regular, patriot passing attack all else is a champion, most propbably patriots will run array of offense and defense added fresh blood. 5. The San Diego nfl jerseys supply chargers pull dynavax Ann-Tom LinSen will also be back? But the biggest problem is lightning team Sean MeiLiMan, we can see the attack have L-T situation is very high, but fragile pass but always defensive off chain, if the defense to have greatly raised, Philip-rivers have the ability to rate a championship team. 6. Atlanta falcon if mike Smith and Thomas-di milt rove realized should be like that attack last year to strengthen defense, the other teams to be careful, we already know, matt Ryan, Michael Turner and Aphrodite-the level of white, imagine if defensive specialist John-Abraham side a few attack sponsors: what is the situation? 7.

New York giants team took over the is a big problem, but the giants should be reserved two-thirds backcourt elite, the defense group coach spa los although Grenoble, but was running in an attack in the west-ebony mourinho pull driving will have better play. 8. Arizona cardinals the cardinals have enough funds guarantee at carlos than and several other defensive backbone stay, but maybe the kete-warner come back, let him call a few years of cost more, if larry Fitzgerald can get season that support, the cardinals sweep again NFC is possible. 9. The Baltimore ravens crow to defense lost coach rex-Ryan, one to two main line who may also leave, on the other hand, in ophrah, total set with the mature and further improved, and overall, in John-under the command of the Hubble, in this year's supply cheap hockey nhl jersey team will be based on the progress, the result is the key area of GangRen team with the result of the match. 10. Philadelphia eagle when

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