Dec 12, 2011

Jets coach claim to need not the boss a vote of confidence

Although the New York jets in the past month in the experience from heaven to hell situation, but coach Eric-mann gini (Eric Mangini) still affected by the trust of the boss. In an interview on Monday, mann gini asked whether need the boss woody Johnson published trust statement, he resolutely said: "no need, I now is looking for a way to beat the Miami, and on to the players, this nfl jersey supply is what I want to do, and our current focus, I really didn't like the confidence vote.

Last Sunday, jet on the west coast in Seattle fiasco, ranking the first to the third by division, the playoffs hope by light into dark out, the offense became the biggest proportional representation, mann gini under more pressure than ever, but the jet's fate is master in his own hand, as long as the win over direct competitors dolphin, showing the playoff implications can be secured, but nfljerseysupply the last four games lost three games of the jet do it? Don't mobilization, jet players has already cheer up, have offered to give priority to coach won key war, the guard Tony Richardson said: we all the efforts of the season in a game all, we should start to unite together to achieve victory, we will not fail.

Before the season, a jet made many pen introduction, including the famous quarterback Brett-Florida law, though he didn't last a on the regular season too much said, but have hinted that next season to see whether a team to the playoffs promotion, law eph said: I see the whole situation of season, I think this week we have the chance to, we need to grasp, outside of things we can't control, we can only control oneself, to me, is very important. Florida law in October this year after 39 years old of birthday, on behalf of this year BaoZhuangGong NFC championship in green bay on after the loss to the giant and promptly decided to retire, but summer and changed his mind to join jet, but into the winter after, his state has major downturn, four games only 1 of array pass the ball, but copied cut has four times, he is likely to talk outside the game as a leaving the 17 weeks, but the jet's teammates say they trust law eph, nfl nhl mlb nba jerseys ignore the stories, attack rammed striker-woody said: to be honest, we don't care what said outside, we only concern is the game and Miami, we want to win the game, to qualify for the less. (Philip)

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