May 3, 2012

University DingLong physical quality outstanding coach praise bench press 300 pounds over the weight

DingLong get to Nashville, Jackson trial after the opportunity to jaguar team, some of the important media have given attention, USA today is special interview DingLong in Norwich university coach wholesale jerseys Mark-Virginia's Eric (Mark Murnyack).

Virginia's, said: "his story is very moving, and we were happy for him, this is a good place to go." Butyl dragons high 6 feet (1.83 meters), weighs 209 pounds (95 kg), last season for Norwich university scored 13 make you a ball, one of the longest distance is 51 code, two time in place division wickedly plotting to star squad. Virginia's, said: "he pushed down more than 300 pounds, it is NBA revolution 30 jersey a movement skills young man." In Norwich university before, DingLong also had to spend two years college in Massachusetts, dean.

DingLong first is held in China in the NFL training camps, where this year in NFL organization rookie observation on training camp to the fore, then participated in Detroit at the national patriots jerseys supply elite training camp. Virginia's, said: "I definitely think he deserves attention and evaluation."

Virginia's, think, in February this year's all-star game become DingLong forward a step, because he is in that match play into four free kick, 3 of them in more than 40 yards, Virginia's, said: "the game six league players from 3 to the team, he scored four free kicks and a bonus points, and as far as I know, that day also strong wind was blowing."

DingLong last month on Norwich university newspaper "the Norwich guidon" headlines, the title jets tim tebow jerseys supply is "d to crazy" (Long DINGSANITY), 24 years old DingLong modestly interviewed said: "I just want to show my ability to NFL play the level of the game." As Norwich university school motto said: "I want to try it."

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