Jun 9, 2012

The football association executive compulsory voting sportsweek evergrande reinforcements proposal was stranded

In the afternoon the council meeting of the league, nineteen of the executive committee for wholesale jerseys guangzhou evergrande proposed completely opening up the foreign aid policy to a vote, in a vote link, 10-9 of the results through the evergrande let go of the champions league team foreign aid policy proposal. But then the representative of the football association said Beijing turning back, hope to vote against it, and suddenly the football association representative did not encounter changes announced by evergrande proposal, also do not have said not through, announced the issue on the back burner, submit the board processing, the prospect dangerous.
Evergrande had already four times to the football association of appeals to let go of foreign aid policy, this is the fifth time involvement. Netease sports from the football association authorities place to realize, it is for evergrande this season in the champions league and all the way ZouKai broke into the top eight, senior football association for evergrande application attitude also from original "resolute don't agree" into "resolutely support". Today's league Messi Bacelona club soccer jerseys supply council and the football association mainly discussed the application of evergrande proposed reinforcements. In after discussing, committee member, proceed to a vote, five clubs from the Messi Southe African soccer jerseys supply super don't agree with the policy of evergrande put forward, and there are other executive committeemen of evergrande's proposal is not a cold, but the football association or forced to vote, after voting in favor of evergrande eventually proposed have 10 tickets, against nine votes, the end result is that through the evergrande's proposal.

But, in the results come out later, several of the executive committee members. They talk up with the results, showed this dissatisfaction. Among them with the football association, as a representative of the hands of the executive committee said some agreed to call back, and claimed that "later if again so make it not to participate in the executive committee meeting,". To the Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan #23 Jersey sudden changes, the football association meeting top is also very helpless, announced that it will be shelved, and submit the council processing, and the prospect of this matter now come to also is difficult to predict.

Before the meeting, there is news spreads, today's will just go through the moves, the football Oklahoma City Thunder jerseys supply association would have agreed with the evergrande application. According to a football association authorities said, "notice of the former football association leaders have to most directors dozen hello, hope to be able to vote in consensus, agreed to evergrande application, soccer and champions league team will the restriction on the number registered foreign aid release." But there is now the situation, surprised everyone. The matter will be: how have development, netease sports will also carry out attention.

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