Jun 8, 2012

The saints for Boris to new contract offer

According to sources, the New Orleans saints team has to quarterback Drew-Boris (Drew Brees) basketball NBA jerseys supply provides a new contract offer.
Sources and didn't disclose her name, because the saints team and Boris I haven't openly discussed the new quotation. He also revealed no new offers in the details of the changes in salary, but he added. "As usual, contract negotiations need to experience the long process, both parties won't soon reach an agreement."
The saints team will their privileges tag with Boris body, this makes Boris can't and other teams contract negotiations. Boris said he wants to stay in New Orleans, but because hope to get a long-term contract, he and the team did not participate in the volunteer training and small training camp this week.
If both sides this week to complete a contract extension, Boris may attend the team next week last offseason volunteer training. July 16, to sign a long-term contract both sides is the final deadline, if when the contract failed to reach a, Boris must accept 1 year, $16 million contract or to continue the label choose not to participate the team of any activity. Cleveland brown team spokesman dismissed about brown after team is likely to wait to buy into the market of the report, he said the team is not for sale,
Brown team media relations GuJi vice President Neil-think said on Thursday "brown team is not for sale." After the Philadelphia radio Howard in his own push, YeSiJin disclosed on, the former baseball mlb jerseys wholesale 19.99usd President Joe-matt bonner hawks are to raise money to buy buffalo bill team, and brown team and st Louis RAMS team might be for sale.
Since 1999, the team has been for brown lerner family owned. Randy lerner also has England football super league of aston villa, randy in 2002 after the death of his father al inherited brown the ownership of the team. Lerner is currently on holiday, he didn't immediately return a NBA revolution 30 jerseys supply telephone interviews and E-mail.
Cleveland brown team spokesman dismissed about brown after team is likely to wait to buy into the market of the report, he said the team is not for sale,
Brown team media relations GuJi vice President Neil-think said on Thursday "brown team is not for sale." After the Philadelphia radio Howard in his own push, YeSiJin disclosed on, the former President Joe-matt bonner hawks are to raise money to buy buffalo bill team, and brown team and st Louis RAMS team might be for sale.
Since 1999, the team has been for brown lerner family owned. Randy lerner also has England Oklahoma City Thunder jerseys supply football super league of aston villa, randy in 2002 after the death of his father al inherited brown the ownership of the team. Lerner is currently on holiday, he didn't immediately return a telephone interviews and E-mail.
The Detroit lions team recently got a good news and some bad news. The good news is: in the past 12 days, the team didn't have the players were arrested; The bad news? This year was arrested by the court or NFL players summoned, lions team have five people, accounting for 24% of the total 21 people.
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