Apr 23, 2012

49 ers absent players volunteer training gore of its top summers

The San Francisco 49 ers coach Jim-ha bo said, run health Frank Gore (Frank Gore) will take over soccer jerseys jacket supply randy moss and the absence of volunteer training camp with the team.

Ha bo in San Francisco a local media to accept an interview revealed that al gore will miss the news. Ha bo also said hand David-ella play hicks and center Jonathan-goodwin also miss out the team offseason plan. In addition, he says, is the team assigned to the security WeiDi privilege label player Sean GuDeSen haven't sign the contract, will not attend the training camp.

Al gore, 28, last August and the team has signed a three-year contract worth $21 million. The new contract will let him for 49 people team until the 2014 season. Gore last season to full 16 games nfljerseysupply of the regular season, blunt ball 1211 yards, 8 of array, and the third in the all-star team.

Summers in March of this year and 49 ers will discuss the contract when they have already agreed NBA jerseys wholesale to participate in the volunteer team will not training camp, ha bo said moss on April 30, report to the team. (

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