Apr 28, 2012

The emperor 32 points the heat 100-67 stomp the knicks melon 15 3 + 4 mistakes

The 2011-12 season NBA playoffs opened the curtain, Miami heat well at home to get a good start NBA jerseys wholesale . Lebron James played three got 32 points and four rebounds, and dwyane wade-had 19 points, they rate team in the first half we set up revolution 30 jersey big score advantage, Miami heat in the first round of the first game at home to a 100-67 victory over the New York knicks. Miami with 1-0 total series lead, two game 2 of the team to stay in Miami. The heat's lebron got 32 points and four rebounds, 4 steals and three assists, wade had 19 points and five turnovers, Mario check moss had 11 points and nine assists and three steals, Chris bosh scored nine points and six rebounds, mike miller scored nine points and four rebounds, and shane battier get eight points and six rebounds. Knicks JR-Smith had 17 points and four rebounds and four turnovers, carmelo Anthony three of 15 shots had 11 points and 10 rebounds, baron Davis had 10 points, amare stoudemire scored nine points and five rebounds, tyson chandler scoreless, there are three rebounds and seven turnovers.

After the opening Davis hit three points, Miami heat the big three to eight points tend to help the team. After two team alternate up points, HaSiLeM in the first quarter and four points, 10 seconds, the two foul shots after, he is in addition to the big three outside of Miami's first score players. Davis layup after to 13-takes 15, shane a 3-pointer, and lebron James scored four points, Miami heat started the advantage to six points. Anthony two free throws, lebron response to two free throws, Miami to 24-18 six points in the first quarter ended. Lebron single quarter contribution 12 points.

Novak's 3-pointer with the knicks 7-2 counterattack wave began in the second quarter, the points they gap down to three points. Holmes check two free throws, Anthony free throws, Smith left-wing cast into the three points, a half before six points when 50 seconds after the knicks to 29-30. After more than four points minutes in the knicks attack misfire, shane battier and miller has hit a 3-pointer, Miami hit 13-0 of the small climax crossed.

Anthony jumper temporarily stop bleeding for the team, half-time 36 seconds 1 minute when chandler cover with the shoulder and elbow intentionally when wholesale jerseys hit back a lebron, lebron some twist to the neck and then fell to the ground and the referee gave chandler a level 1 malicious foul. This seemed to get lebron, he starts personal attack mode, a man scored nine points to finish the second quarter, Miami to 54-31 leading 23 points.

The heat's lebron the first half had 23 points and battier get eight points and five rebounds, wade get eight points; Knicks Davis had 10 points and Anthony had seven points and five rebounds, chandler have seven turnovers.

Lebron James scored four points, check moss hit three points, they rate by 8-0 of the team began to attack wave in the third quarter, Miami heat to a 62-31 leading 31 points. Anthony led knicks even pull 9 points, bosh jumper steady situation, this section and six points and eight seconds schubert ball attack, doing a dribble behind when left knee, holding his left knee down to the ground, and eventually the two teammates carried the pitch. The two teams after a few minutes each, miller open a 3-pointer, and HaSiLeM fill buckle score, round 7-0 of the small climax to Miami in this section 2 minutes and 76-44 leading 32 points. Smith hit three points, lebron stand up to respond, a bank, a record lap top three points, Miami heat to 81-47 leading 34 points in the third quarter ended.

Trailing let small garbage time in advance, the knicks bench as badly, Miami and then also for regular nfljerseysupply , eventually Miami to a 100-67 victory.

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