Apr 24, 2012

China's education action into waist flag football all actively participate in men and women

China's education action (Teach For China) was established in 2008, the two countries to jointly excellent young strength, the thorough China education resources in weak in a line teaching practice, improving the local education environment, improve education quality, and gradually For education resources not balanced urban and rural education gap brought, and promote the whole hockey jerseys supplyeducation environment toward the balanced development track.

China's education action project teachers, in their teaching of the job, also launched a series of community leadership project dedicated to in the classroom and on the children have positive effects. Among them in yunnan province three outstanding project members from the United States, launched a new community project: the American flag football to waist of students in extracurricular activities.
The carter lille (Ben Cutrell) from the United States cover di fort university, has been in yunnan province lincang county yesterday this primary teaching for two weeks, the school covers from reception to the sixth grade, a total of 500 students studying at the college, the responsible for four classes of physical education, ranks 120 "small sports".

This said that most of these children from poor families, in the home is no television, more don't have a computer, don't know before American football for what they are. Because the children before physical education classes just simple JunTi training, lack of competitive sports understanding, so the first step is to let them know football interest and attractive. This through a variety of means to children propaganda football, especially the NFL China website teaching video gave him very great help, this through the teaching demonstration NFL game and waist equipment flag football, the whole class students watch intently, this revealed that the children were NFL player amazing body quality and difficult technical movement tracks.

The professor is responsible for the physical education class was divided into two parts, the first to give students watch
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Will-keller Hector in yunnan in heqing county to the second middle school teacher, his students older age, waist flag football in effect is better, according to he introduces, not only is he responsible for the first of two classes students have been deeply loved this project, other classes of students and teachers also have strong interest in football, are active to join the ranks of the training and competition that will can't provide enough equipment to participants, will smile says this is "happy trouble".

Junior middle school students' academic pressure than pupils, own leisure time little, but many students still formed the weekly play flag football waist habit, because of the students in the program are more and more, near the school "China education action" teachers to help organizations. The most let will is excited, waist to flag football girl a chance to take part in physical exercise, in high school, the boys occupy the basketball court and table tennis, took part in the waist flag football after, the girls have a display team spirit and perseverance of the stage, will is trying to create woman 5 V5 game, the experience of their life in the future, whether in school or in the society are concern is good.
Participating in the "China education action" before, WangYaoMing and not familiar with American football, it is in assistance will organization waist flag football process, also become gradually fans. He in gold pier middle school in heqing county to three classes of physical education professor, a few weeks before his first showing students NFL game, although some students before heard of football, but is not familiar with the rules, in their view, the game "as fight general".

WangYaoMing patient explanation the football after rules, the students began to take an interest in, so he started to will the students into groups based on practice, and that the safety
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WangYaoMing said that although most students or more interested in basketball, but football is also gradually rooted in their hearts, especially girls more interested, because in China's rural areas, the girls rarely have the opportunity to participate in sports, and waist flag football provides them and boys experience team spirit and the fair competition is a rare opportunity to field.the manning broncos blue jerseys.

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