Nov 29, 2011

GangRen victory over the red one presidential election, the mystery is hidden

On Monday evening, Pittsburgh GangRen team in NFL during the regular season and-6 victory over the Washington red one team, the victory that the democratic candidate barack Obama in the White House were promising.

In the game, GangRen team shot down league chief run health Clinton-wave best price serve quality jerseys di (Clinton Portis), and the red one team tackled kill four points WeiJieSen Campbell (Jason Campbell) of seven times, after the game, the Pittsburgh to raise record six wins and two negative, the opponent team to win six and red one for 3 negative, according to the laws of famous red one, the Obama Democrats than republicans John McCain hopes to get a more general election victory.

In the past 17 th President of the United States buy cheap NFL jerseys Save more than 50% election, red one day before the election at the home of the team in the game all proved the last President election results, some people even according to the team to fill in the red one vote, the rule is, if the red one team to win, so the early general election votes leading party won the election, if red one team to lose, so the ruling party lost the election. GangRen team's victory apparently democrat barack Obama is extremely advantageous, for republican John McCain, for example, it is a bad news, since the law in 1937 red one team from Boston moved to Washington later start to take effect, only in 2004, to suspend a, which year green bay BaoZhuangGong beats a red one team, should indicate the little bush defeat, but the result is just the opposite. But the rules Jerseys supply of the co-sponsors explained, in the 2000 election, bush states counted on controversial, so 2004 is not really his re-election, so the rules and no failure. (Fancy)

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