Nov 24, 2011

NFL to cowboys Jones and suspension

October 14,, the NFL wholesale NFL jerseys alliance to the Dallas cowboys Angle guard Adam Jones (Adam Pacman Jones) suspended indefinitely, the reason is that he caused too much is on the sidelines, and cowboy team boss has refused to him to take action, the President suggested that the NFL's, at least to ban Jones 4 games. The ancient del think Jones's behavior is a kind of bad role model, and break the alliance for the players self-discipline requirements. Last week, Jones in Dallas hotel of alcohol-related together in public security incident, he and his bodyguard tommy Jones played up in the bathroom, the last hotel can only call the police, in addition to drinking, Jones also breaking the bail regulations. The ancient del notice, he will be in the cowboys against Washington on Sunday after the team announced on red one specific penalties Jones. Jones is cowboys bad boy, due to best price serve quality jerseys bring calamity, he in the 2007 season was suspended and until this year on August 26 to return lifted, cowboys owner jerry Jones said: Adam is a typical example of the NFL, than any one of our players to blame, and now these situations of but is that the original continue. But we do not have relevant measures of rules, we don't know that he broke the article which, our rules as a joke, but are used to laugh with each other. On Wednesday, the ancient del personally investigating, and then make the decision, the time to see the back Jones NFL and cowboys how to coordinate and solve, the ancient del warned: apparently he's doing something wrong, six best NFL Jerseys with cheap price weeks ago we emphasized to him.

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