Nov 9, 2011

The Titan four points WeiWenSi-Yang have the confidence to start again

The Tennessee titans team with the trivia four points wholesale jerseys WeiWenSi-Yang (Vince Young) finally spoke up, YangJian marked for love of football said they doubt about that. Face the mental state to questioning, Yang said the first time in his career face serious injury, he was very disappointed, so in left home do not realize that to tell the mother, and the media but add oil to add vinegar, made worse. Nashville police had received Tennessee titans's star Vince-YangGuRen alarm, a scout around to his whereabouts, with the help of the police, the Titan team at a friend's house found Yang, eventually contacted him, the year 3 students in the headquarters of the team saw coach Jeff fisher, after his drive home. Then according to local media news, his mother Fred west Asia-Yang said his son depressed, no longer want to play nfl football jerseys supply football. I have never down. Vince young in his team-mates after watching training, accept the media reporter's interview, football is my life, so is my dream, many years since the goal is to it, but this time the injury had never met. Yang denied that the idea of giving up football, now for me is a difficult time, because I am a competitor, I definitely looking forward to return to the court and his teammates to fight alongside the. For the media hype malicious, Vince young appear very angry, mother will I into football sports, she also know I've never considered giving up football, she understand I deeply love the sport, I am always ready to do battle, but for now recovery is a top priority. Yang is 25 years old, in the opener 17-10-Jacksonville jaguars team beat the competition, the injured his knee and be fans started SHH, after the game he turn on left the stadium. Fans booing to Cheap NFL real Jerseys where professional footballers have become, but the home fans booing always heartbreaking, Vince-Yang is ready, returned to court with his performances to counter boos, poor performance that the fans are disappointed, but I've made up my mind, don't make a stupid mistake, they like I would only do so (SHH), and I should do make them satisfied. Yang does not bear grudges fans, but admits that his performance disappointing, this attitude is the sick? We have reason to believe that a new Yang will soon return to NFL Cheap NFL Jerseys on sale football~

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