Nov 22, 2011

Kendal apply for leave New York jets

Peter kendal (Pete Kendall) kneeling present DeBian, left hand grabbed the mandible, away from his teammates, look to the court. In the New York jet jewelry Swimwear Bikini masks jerseys shop fleet a line of attack of practice, the attacking force in did not appear on one of them. Because of contractual disputes, kendal jet fleet has put forward to trade with his contract out or the application. In the morning after practice, he and the media talk about more than 20 minutes, which is revealed his frustration and disaffection: my situation is very bad, I was very depressed. If kendal wish, he won't stay long. Kendal has 12 years of his career, next month 34 years old, and he hopes the salary of 2007 season can be greatly improved, but the jet fleet disagree, because he has been renewed last year in a four-year contract. He said: "I don't want to win here a saliva battle, I just want to be able to get the reasonable compensation. Kendal because last season in WeiDe cloth guide rookie line card FaGu-shaw's (DBrickashaw Ferguson) and Nick-man Goddard (Nick Mangold) and get coach Eric-mann gini (Eric Mangini) admiration. And he can play many positions, can enrich the team's tactical system. In addition, because of the straightforward personality, he also loved by his teammates and media welcome. These days, kendal occasionally and a line of attack practice, but when he was down to the two teams, position of him are often left the feng Adrian clark (Adrien Clarke) instead. This is very embarrassing, now I've had not happy. I guess the team also someone is not high I still stay in the team. It's so embarrassed, I think now I was a second string. Obviously, kendal believe jewelry Swimwear Bikini supply in yourself in the NFL is still the starter, and pay to also want to press this standard, I think in my performance, I should get the role of senior reconsider. So break season, kendal and his agent Neil Schwartz (Neil Schwartz) to start with the team, mann gini coach, as well as the general manager of the jet fleet Mike-Andrew baum based (Mike Tannenbaum) contact, tell them he want more pay. Two weeks ago, I and Andrew baum tyronn about it once. Kendal said, I told him my request is not not reasonable, he also agree with my salary is too low. I think we have to reach an agreement, but also did not sign the contract. But, in fact, is not so simple. Now let me upset, trouble. I before the draft to Eric (mann gini coach) called, and it is still waiting for his back. I don't know what to do. He looked for my agent, my agent let him call me directly, but, I has not get back. In fact, kendal in June 14 night received mann of the Virginia telephone, but, this the tense telephone played just a few seconds. Kendal said: he wants to know how things to the point of today. And was asked about the, mann gini I don't want to mention, he said, "I and the players of talks are internal affairs. And the team manager Andrew baum talk about kendal is based praises, and show that agent schwarz agency another player-the first round of the selected rookie DaLeiEr-rivers (Darrelle Revis) has nothing to do with the matter. Talking about kendal, Andrew baum tyronn said: I respect him very much, for the team he and three years, and outstanding performance. He had packers jerseys supply helped g di-Martin (Curtis Martin) was elected "blunt. Last season he playing well and I'm not an accident. Actually before the start of last season, the jet fleet ever want to abandon use kendal, but gave him the chance to look for buyers. But because of the other team offered the condition is not ideal, kendal chose his old club contract four years rather than 1 year. I think that the parties have reached an agreement last year, my contract is a one-year contract. Eric still to my place in the team being serious reservations about, but we can agree. Kendal helplessly said. Based on the present situation is Andrew baum mention lightly, and indicates that a team will not exchange kendal: last year, he was signed to a in at that time he felt good contract, and all parties to the contract are very satisfied. And now he is in our compulsive mini camp training. There's the world, and I can't say that both sides can't reconciliation, but it seems I have no choice. Kendal said, when I was told that my request is reasonable, salary is too low, I don't know what to say.

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