Nov 30, 2011

The young quarterback help the crow take off

Last August, the four all-star guard Lorenzo Neal (Lorenzo Neal) joining the Baltimore ravens team, he know the HHL hockey wholesale jerseys SUPPLY crow team defense relatively stable, but offense can only rely on the Delaware rookie four points from WeiQiao-vladimir division (Joe Flacco), he and a lot of people doubt this 18 th rookie can bear responsibility. Sunday night, the crow team 41-13 victory over Houston texans, Neil also gives his answer: we can do that. 6-3 negative raven team recently state wonders, has four consecutive games in scoring more than 27 points, vladimir families also with an average of 185 yards, were not passing off passing surrendered a satisfactory results. Neil: this is Joe-vladimir families, our defense as the most popular three boys, flamenco families like pure feeling beautiful school girl, he wants to take her to the PROM, everyone was asked, why is she?

She used action proved worthy. Why young flamenco families supply cheap hockey nhl jersey can in iron man competitors in the crow scored succeeded, Neil also gave the answer: remember this-ROM, bloomberg, liss in Pittsburgh in the first year? And he a game passing 13 times, and that will do, but still they entered the AFC final, offensive coach Cameron did a lot of work that we match tacit understanding, flamenco, perhaps, bloomberg, liss and ROM as is not strong enough, but he is quick, so can help us to win.

The crow team wins the game at the same time, GangRen team also beat the colts, will the crow team bolted the AFC north tied for first throne, coach John-in charge of his first Hubble,giants Jerseys supply shop just over half of the season when win streak last year and quite, Neil is pretty: originally, we can get 8 victories and a negative record. He refers to this season's two defeats the crow is in doubt, one is against Pittsburgh to September GangRen, the referee misjudgment lead to each other in the second half a touchdowns to equalise, then in extra-time defeat crow team; Another is the game is to team up to array wrongful Titan, cost the crow team's victory. But Neil is still have confidence, he said: we are very good, see our game to know.

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